Today is the first time we moved to 111 West Georgia Street, in Downtown Vancouver!! Our view is to die for and the amount of light that comes into our building is spectacular.
I really didn't have any other time today to do a first, other than to move and move, and move up 29th floors! We had my beautiful sister, and our great friend Katie, and 2 movers helping us out. Thanks to Mike who helped pay for a guy to replace him, in the move! what a sweet guy.. ( any ladies looking for a great guy, Mike is amazing and very single )
Moving days are always full of annoyances, and things you don't expect. It was a stressful day, and exhausting, but we're moved in and we love our new place!
What is Jeans Day™? Jeans Day™ is a fun and easy event for people of all ages to participate in and show their support of BC's kids. Simply by purchasing a $5 button or $20 pin, you get a chance to wear your jeans to work or school on April 29 and help the kids at BC Children's Hospital.
How Do I Get Involved?
Champions are people who coordinate Jeans Day™ at their workplace. By inviting colleagues, family and friends to participate by purchasing a Jeans Day™ lapel pin or button you can help us raise over $1 million, through Jeans Day™, for BC Children's Hospital.
Today, is a simple day and a great excuse to wear your jeans for a good cause. I've never done this before, but have heard about it in previous years! This is the first time I've purposely worn jeans for a good cause, and i proudly wore the button as well :)
Go HERE to learn more about it, and to buy your pin for NEXT YEAR!!!! or join them on Facebook, HERE!
Maybe next year, you can go out and make an excuse to buy a new pair of jeans for the special day!!!!
Who doesn't love a good, comfortable pair of jeans?
Tonight, we went on our first "date night". We've been talking about doing this for quite some time, but today we did it !
It was an interesting theme of the night. We decided to do our first night as the classic dinner and a movie night. No, i'll admit, it's not the most creative date idea,
but you can't ever go wrong with this, and it's definitely something I'll never turn down. We went to Milestones for their second annual "Date Night " --order any meal and your date eats theirs for free. (this includes appies too! ) So, we ordered two appies, and two meals, and only paid for one appy and one meal! SO CHEAP! Needless to say, we were very full afterwards as it was a lot of food. But, how can you turn down free food?! You might as well pig out! Go here to check out more of their upcoming "date" nights...
We had some drinks, and chatted about upcoming wedding ideas, and life, and our future moving plans, etc... it was relaxing, and it was the first night of the year, it felt like a warm summer evening. I ordered a caramel martini as we sat on the patio waiting for our table. It was great!
Next, we walked a few blocks down to Scotia Bank Theatre, and watched "Date Night" the movie. If you haven't heard of this movie, I absolutely recommend you watch it, if you need a good laugh! It was a laugh out loud hilarious kind of film (for me anyways) and I continued to laugh, even after the funny parts were over. ... it was THAT good! If you like Steve Carell and Tina Fey- you must must must see this movie. Seriously. No seriously. Seriously!
I was going to write a quick synopsis of the movie, but I think it is better going into the film, not knowing very much.
Overall, it was the first time I've gone out for Date Night with my fiance, gone to MileStones for "Date night" and seen the movie "Date Night" 3 in 1 Date Nights. Love it! Great night, thanks Matt! ( & thanks Hayley for the great suggestion..)
I found this pretty sweet website called GROUPON, for the first time today.
Launched in November 2008, Groupon features a daily deal on the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy in a variety of cities across the United States and Canada. The company philosophy is pretty simple: "we treat our customers the way we like to be treated. That boils down to a few key things: We sell stuff we want to buy. A great price is only half the battle - it's also got to be a great product or service. Between our top-rated business partners and unbeatable prices, you should feel comfortable venturing out and trying something new - just because it's featured on Groupon. We want Groupon to be an addiction you can feel good about. "
How It Works
Each day we feature something cool to do at an unbeatable price.
You only get it if enough people join that day… so invite your friends!
Check back the next day for another awesome Groupon!
Today, I bought this for the first time:
You can get daily emails sent to you, you can join the Facebook Group , or go HERE to see the daily deal.
p.s. I think this only applies to people who live in Major Cities :( Sorry to any of you small town folk reading this Blog!
I'm in love with this website. . I can spend hours searching, and finding really cool handmade objects. It's a great place to go, to find gifts for someone who has everything. Strangely, I've never purchased anything until today. I am having a peacock themed wedding, so I've become quite obsessed with peacock EVERYTHING! I search for peacock wedding items all the time, and have quite the list of things I want for the wedding!
This pendant is approximately 7/8" x 7/8" and has a peacock graphic that is adhered to a glass tile. The tile is then sealed on the back with a thick layer of shiny glaze. The glaze is water resistant but not waterproof.
Isn't it perty? I couldn't resist this, as it was only $10US. Go here if you'd like to see some of the artist's other items. On this website, you can also find peacock veils, peacock pens, peacock napkins, and peacock ties for the groomsmen. You name it, there is peacock everything! Apparently the peacock wedding theme is becoming quite popular. I thought I had a pretty original idea. Oh well, I still love it.
Did you know:
A peacock is a possessor of some of the most admired human characteristics, and is a symbol of integrity and the beauty we can achieve when we endeavor to show our true colors.
In history, myth, legend and lore, the Peacock symbolism carries:
As well, in Hinduism the Peacock is associated with Lakshmi who is a deity representing benevolence, patience, kindness, compassion and good luck...
Today is a simple one. I bought a GIANT Calculator for the first time. I saw it, and instantly had to have it! It was a need, not a want. I needed to have this amazing thing in my possession. Why, you ask? Because I'm a weirdo and because it's hilarious. I laugh every time I look at it. I never have to worry about finding a calculator stuffed in some drawer. It will be hanging on the wall in our (soon-to-be) office!
Matt (my future husband) was convinced it was the stupidest thing he's ever seen, and we didn't need to have it. I argued up and down the isles of Staples while we looked for packing supplies. Well, we didn't argue: I said we needed to have it, and he said we didn't , and this repeated over and over again for about 10 minutes. I knew, secretly, that I would get my way......
This photo gives you a better idea just how huge it is! Doesn't it make you laugh? The employee at Staples told us, we were the first people to buy one. YAY FOR FIRSTS!
I told Matt it was a "house warming" gift for our new place. We move on Friday. We will have a separate den/office area and this calculator will fit perfectly on the wall , as a practical art piece. It's perfect. I'm in love with giant calculators.
You are jealous of my giant calculator, I know you are! :)
For the first time today, I went to a little Sushi place called "Asiana"on Commercial Drive with my sister ; I will definitely go back! The service was awesome! I find it rare to go into a sushi restaurant and have friendly service. Generally, they don't speak English and get you in and out of their restaurant as quickly as possible. This place had employees that were very smily, and friendly and helpful. It was a very good experience.
I normally have the same sushi every time I go out for Japanese because I know what I like. Today, I tried 2 new sushi rolls for the first time, for my blog!
For the first one, I tried a Firecracker Roll. On the menu, it didn't have the ingredients listed beside the name, like many of the others so, I ordered this one for the purpose of being surprised! I didn't ask what was in it, I just ordered it. (it was only $2.95 so if I hated it, it wouldn't be the end of the world)
It was exciting not knowing what I was going to get. I like surprises! It ended up being a little spicy, and very yummy. It was like a little explosion in your mouth. The red bell pepper gives a little spicy crunch, while the cream cheese and cilantro cool it down. I was pleasantly surprised by this one!
For the second one, I asked the waitress to surprise me with a Sushi Roll, under $6.00. She seemed confused at first, but once I explained it, she agreed to pick something for me. I told her it could be anything she wanted, as long as it was under this price. She came back afterwards to make sure I wasn't a vegetarian, and seemed quite happy to order a surprise for me. About 20 minutes later we had our Sushi order in to-go bags to take back to Tara's house. She put the surprise sushi in a seperate bag, and told me it was called "Honto Maki". (Tuna, salmon, avocado) It was a bit more "raw" fish that I usually would order, but it was quite tasty. It is definetely not something I would normally order, so it was good to try something new for a change!
Order something new, or get the waitress to surprise you. It's good fun :)
Today, I received my ARK tshirt in the mail, finally! I've been waiting ever so patiently for it. For those of you who haven't been reading my blog daily, I purchased a tshirt from a company called Ark. (Acts of Random Kindness) It is a not for profit movement reconnecting society through fashion. Their idea: Perform one Act of Random Kindness (an Ark°) every time the brand is worn. The money they make is all put back into spreading their philosophy. Ark° have even launched an underwear range (for undercover kindness!) It is the greatest idea, and I loved it so much I purchased a t-shirt!
Here is what the back says:
So, I spent most of today feeling giddy and excited about what Act of Random Kindness I would do for someone. It didn't come to me until about 1pm when I went to check if I had any mail.
How often does someone tell the mail man that he does a great job? How often does someone go out of their way to thank their mail man? I wanted to do exactly that. But how? Since I wasn't about to sit around and wait for him to show up, I thought I'd leave him a message on my mail box!
This is the note I left on my mail box for our Mail Man. It was a simple ARK, but I was proud of it:
Today is the first time I went to the Caramel Hair Salon on Granville and 7th ave, and I only went because a friend of mine wrote about it in her Blog. (thanks Katie!) I have lived in Vancouver for 3 years or so now, and I still have yet to find a Hair Stylist I click with, and really trust and have confidence in- until, today! I generally leave feeling disappointed, or upset.
My first impression walking in, was the place looked looked inviting and calm. They brought me some Green Tea and gave me a form to fill out, about my hair, problems, products I use, and even my hair goals. Yes, hair goals. (I'll talk more about this later) The best part about the form she gave me to fill out, was that it was re-useable. I mean that she gave me a white board marker, and got me to write on a laminated piece of paper. This was great, as tomorrow is Earth Day and I love the idea of saving the environment wherever possible!
My hair stylist's name was Catherine, and she was awesome!! She spent a long time helping me figure out my hair problems, and suggesting different things, and we had good conversation- all the things a Hair Dresser should do, but we got along! It wasn't forced, and she was friendly and easy to talk to. The environment was comfortable; I drank Green Tea and even took my shoes off. I had a Hair Salon like this in Victoria for 6 years, and really missed the great experience you can have while getting your hair cut. (The bonus- she charges $40 for a hair cut, rather than the $50 or $60 I normally pay. )
She didn't rush through it, and do a half-ass job like many places do. She really took her time, and examined all the strands of hair and problem areas, and asked me lots of questions. She was very knowledgeable and quite obviously loved her job! I told her I wanted to grow my bangs and layers out to have long flowy hair for my wedding. We made a long-term goal together and she went over the steps we'd take to get to our "goal". I told her I was getting married in March next year, and so we're aiming for that date as our goal! I'm so excited about it! This probably won't be exciting for anyone but me, but if you've ever had this experience than you'll know what I'm talking about! A Hair Stylist who actually cares, who would've thought they existed in Vancouver? Not me.
Today is the first time in a long time, I've left a Salon feeling really good about it. I absolutely recommend you go to this place. All of the hair stylists seemed to be very friendly so I'm sure any of them would be great....
I won a CD from the Radio for the first time in my life! I've always wanted to win, but I've never been the first or ninth caller.
I was driving to the grocery store, and at 6:30pm, I turned on my radio and instantly the broadcaster said...."and if you're the first person to call, I'll give you this free CD" ! I had no idea what CD it was, but I knew I wanted to WIN! I've called the radio station many times in my life to win free stuff, but I was always a few callers away.
I quickly dialed the number and it started to ring and ring and ring. I almost hung up, but then the guy from the radio ANSWERED! It was soooo exciting. I felt like I had won the lottery. Seriously, I was so happy. I can't even imagine the feeling of what it would be like to actually win the lottery, as I was beside myself after winning a no-name CD.
The radio guy asked me if I was a fan of Jon and Roy, and I lied and said that I was. I didn't want to seem like a greedy-good-for-nothing-liar who just wanted something free from the radio. He told me that I'd really like the CD, as it's got a summery, soft rock kind of feel.
GO TO THEIR WEBSITE AT THIS LINK and take a listen. They are upbeat, and very enjoyable to listen to. I can't wait to get my free CD in the mail.
They come from Victoria as well, which is awesome! I lived there for 6 years of my life, and miss it a lot. The live music scene in Victoria is realllllllly awesome, so check out some local music if you ever go there! Here they are playing at the Radio Station I won my CD from, LIVE.
Today, is the first time working at the YMCA, a child the age of 5, donated to our annual fundraising campaign. It was the cutest thing I've ever witnessed. She is one of the kindest and most thoughtful children I've met, as she really enjoys making gifts and giving to others to make them happy. Her mother is a lovely woman, and I really enjoy talking with her every day; she's taught her daughter well!
Today, this little girl, came up to me, and said " Jen Jen (this is her nickname for me), I would like to give money to the kids as a donation", and at first I was confused. But, she explained and pointed out the sign she had read about our Kids Helping Kids fundraiser, and she wanted to help other kids. I was touched and really thought it was amazing that a 5 year old would be so willing to give to others. This is a common age for children to not want to share anything they have!
She pulled out her Hello Kitty wallet, and gave me $0.49 in pennies, and nickels and dimes. I told her that I was very proud of her, and thanked her for helping out not-so-fortunate kids who wouldn't be able to afford to go to the YMCA if it weren't for generous donations like hers!
Just remember, $0.49 is like $100 for adults. Kids hold on to pennies and nickels like they are gold. They find a penny on the ground, and it's like they've won the lottery. It's great!
She said, "My Momma is gonna be so proud of me! " It was really a heart warming moment, and I thought writing her a receipt would be a cute little way to show her how important and official her donation was! What an absolute sweetheart. I can only hope that I raise sweet, generous children like her!
Donate to a charity today. It's not about the amount, it's about the gesture and thought behind it!
Today, I went canoeing in the ocean for the first time. I've been canoeing a few other times in my life, but not in the deep, dark ocean. I know, it's not really that much different than kayaking, but it is a different boat, with different paddles and you are above the water rather than in it. I declare this a first for me today, because I make the rules. So there!
It was sunny, and the water was fairly calm for an ocean. My parents were behind me in the boat, also enjoying the beautiful scenery and peacefulness of the afternoon.
I learned through some research, that canoeing is a reasonable way to develop a flat stomach. Because canoeing burns calories, it helps to create a calorie deficit which forces the body to burn fat - including stomach fat. When I was rowing, it didn't seem like I was working too hard, but it's apparently very good for you.
Did you know, about 10 minutes of canoeing burns about 40 calories. In one year, this daily fitness workout burns a total of 14,600 calories per year - about 4.2 pounds of body fat. A significant proportion of this is likely to be belly fat.
According to Wikipedia, canoes were developed over the course of thousands of years primarily by the native peoples of North America. Native Americans used fire to fell large trees, as at that time trees grew very large as there was virgin forests. After the tree fell, the Native Americans would make small fires at the top of the log and then scrape out the ash. This process would keep going, until the log was hollowed out. The canoe would still be very heavy so it was usually made close to a river or lake.
If you have access to a canoe or kayak, take it out to the open waters of the ocean nearest you! It's a different experience than being on a lake, and you never know what wildlife or interesting creatures you might find.
We saw hundreds and hundreds of jellyfish along the shores, because the tide was at extreme extreme lows. We also had the privilege of looking at the site of some sort of Nanaimo rite of passage: a pole covered in bras and bikini tops (and one pair of Homer Simpson boxer shorts). It was very odd, and I wish I knew the story behind it? Anyone?
I went to the Pacific Sands Resort with my parents, in Parksville today for the first time. They have a giant fish tank in the restaurant full of giant fish, and sea creatures. There was a floor to ceiling tank that you could walk underneath and look above at the fish. I felt like I was at the Aquarium except we were about to eat lunch. I also saw a Wolf Eel for the first time. I didn't even know these things existed in our world. This thing was really creepy looking, and apparently it was 6 feet long. He was hiding his body in a tunnel, so we couldn't see it. It was in the shadows staring at me as I walked by and I instantly thought he looked like an old man, with a big lip. ...
Much like this guy? hahahahaha....
The Wolf eel is a member of the family Anarhichadidae together with the wolffishes of the genus Anarhichas. Sure, I know exactly what that is, don't you?
The Wolf eel is monotypic within the genus Anarrhichthys. This superficially eel-like fish feeds on crustaceans, sea urchins, mussels, clams and some fishes, crushing them with its strong jaws. It can grow to be 203 centimetres (80 in), 18.6 kilograms (41 lb), and is found in the northern
Pacific Ocean, ranging from the Sea of Japan and the Aleutian Islands to northern California. The wolf-eel makes its home on rocky reefs or stony bottom shelves from shallow to moderate depths, picking a territory in a crevice, den or lair in the rocks.
Large wolf eels can be aggressive and are capable
of inflicting painful bites on humans. So, if you see one while diving or snorkeling swim away as fast as you can. It will probably catch you though as they swim very fast, so my advice would be to attack it, and bring it home to eat. Apparently the meat tastes very good. .. good luck!
We also saw these GIANT fish, laying at the bottom of the tank along with the Wolf Eel, just sleeping or resting. I can't remember what kind of fish they are? Any ideas, all you knowledgeable-fish people out there? Apparently I haven't observed enough fish in my life to realize that they rest and don't just swim all day long and all night. . . .
Don't they look dead? If you look close enough, they are both staring at me; their eyeballs are turned all the way around to look at me.
I'm a simple raspberry or strawberry jam kind of girl. I like the Real Fruit brand, with lots of extra fruit in it; you can take a spoonful right out of the jar and eat it! This is the second new spread I've tried for the first time this year.
Apple Jelly. Is Jelly a jam? They are both made from fruit mixed with sugar and pectin. The difference between them comes in the form that the fruit takes.
-In jelly, the fruit comes in the form of fruit juice.
-In jam, the fruit comes in the form of fruit pulp or crushed fruit (and is less stiff than jelly as a result).
I've decided I am more of a fan of jam, than jelly, because I like the chunky bits of fruit and pulp.
What do you prefer?
This particular Apple jelly I bought, reminded me quite a lot of honey, except with a slight almost cinnamon taste to it. It has very similar texture and color as honey, and tasted great on a bagel with butter. For me, because I am allergic to fresh apples, anytime I see an apple product that is cooked, I go for it. Glad I tried it, but probably won't buy it again.
Interesting facts about Apple allergies (wiki)
Oral allergy syndrome is an allergic reaction some people will experience due to the birch pollen left on the apples. Because the pollen is the main irritant, only the raw apples, especially their skin, cause the allergic reaction. Cooked apples do not cause these symptoms as the heat denatures the proteins in the pollen rendering them harmless to those sensitive. If one is allergic to apples, he or she may also experience an allergic reaction with other fruits in the Rosaceae family which include peaches and hazelnuts. (I am also allergic to these, interesting!)
Next time, I'm going to make some jam from scratch so you can limit the amount of sugar! This jelly was a bit too sweet for my liking... Try a new jam or jelly today! Break out of your normal every day jam habits, and try something new :)
Tonight, my Staff team and I put on a Dinner Theatre Fundraising Night for the parents and all the children for my out-of-school care program. This is the first time we've done a Dinner Theatre for them, and they all loved it! :) It was a lot of work coordinating the Staff and kids, doing all the baking, and preparing ahead of time, but very very worth it in the end. We made homemade pizza from scratch. It was amazingly delicious, and since I bought two pizza pans I'm planning on trying this myself at home.
The best part of the night, was the 8 different skits we had practiced, and planned for the parents.
Today, I had Kosher Pickles for the first time, but I don't think they were any better or worse than normal pickles we buy. They were a few dollars more a jar, so unless you believe in this sort of thing, I'd personally just stick with the regular pickles.
What is Kosher , you ask? The word "kosher" is not only used for food. Kosher basically means that something follows all the Jewish legal guidelines. The word has even gained a place in American slang to mean appropriate, legitimate, or proper. Instead of saying "that's not right," one might say "that's not kosher." Kosher food laws are rather extensive. Some are derived directly from the bible and others through rabbinic interpretations over the years. What are some of the laws governing kosher food?
Here's a few examples
1. Fish and meat cannot be served together.
2. Poultry and meat must be slaughtered under strict guidelines called "shechita." This means the animals are slaughtered without pain.
3. Milk and meat cannot be served together.
4. Processed food must be prepared in the presence of a rabbi.
5. Lobster lovers might be dismayed to find that for seafood or fish to be kosher, it must have fins and easily removable scales
The main issue with pickles and their status as a kosher food is the use of animal products at some pickling and canning facilities. A pickle is made by brining a cucumber in a solution of water and salt, incase you didn't know. Sometimes, the brine is emulsified with polysorbates, which are made from animal fat. If the polysorbates are from kosher animals such as cattle slaughtered in accordance with kosher law, the pickles would be considered kosher. However, the concern is that the pickles could be contaminated with products of so-called “unclean animals,” such as pigs, or that the animals used to make the polysorbates were not slaughtered properly. As a general rule, it is easier to make pickles without polysorbates if a facility is pursuing kosher certification.
In order to be certified, the kosher pickle facility must permit inspection by a rabbinical kashrut inspector, or mashgiach. Periodic inspections will be carried out to make sure that the facility conforms with kosher laws, and a kosher-certifying organization will allow the facility to include a kosher logo on the label. This assures Jewish consumers that the kosher pickles they are purchasing are, in fact, kosher.
I took my friend Liz's advice, and went to the grocery store, and specifically picked out a bunch of things I've never had before. One of the things I chose, were pappadums. A Pappadum is a gluten-free, thin Indian crispy cuisine sometimes described as a cracker or flatbread. They are made from rice flour, chickpeas and lentils. My sister, Tara, is allergic to wheat, and we both tried them for the first time today.
They are typically served as an accompaniment to a meal in India. It is also eaten as an appetizer or a snack and can be eaten with various toppings such as chopped onions, chutney or other dips and condiments. They were very yummy just on their own, eaten like a cracker.
In certain parts of India, raw papadums (dried but unroasted) are used in curries and vegetable preparations. This means before they are cooked in the oil. Papadums are made in different sizes. Smaller ones can be eaten like a snack chip and the larger ones can be used to make wraps.
Check out these GIANT ones deep fried in oil, in India. (wiki photo)
Fact of the Day:
The word papad occurs in a Hindi tongue twister - "Kachaa paapad, Pakaa paapad" (raw papad, fried/roasted papad), something similar to "Good blood, Bad blood".
I definitely recommend you try these, they were delicious, crunchy, and good if you are celiac or allergic to wheat. ..
I made Split pea and ham soup today for the first time from scratch. It's one of my fav soups, so I thought it would be fun to try. I'm not much of a cook, so anything I do from scratch is a real big deal, trust me. Although, since I've started this blog, I've tried a number of things from scratch and I have to say it's quite enjoyable!
Well, I don't think I will ever be able to eat split pea soup again from a can! Just knowing that it is all fresh ingredients, and minimal salt and no preservatives makes it taste that much better. It was VERY good! I had a second bowl even after I was full. And, I have about 4 more meals of soup to go. ... yum!
I used this recipe. It took about 2.5 hours in total from the second I started chopping to the second I started eating. Really, I just watched a bit of tv, and did some chores around the house, and BAM, it was ready! However.... I would recommend that you keep an eye on it every few minutes.
During the cooking process of split peas, the peas will absorb a considerable amount of water. To avoid ruining the dish by having peas burn on the bottom, it is important to frequently check the water level of the split pea soup while cooking. If the water looks low, more should be added to ensure the split pea soup turns out creamy and flavorful. I didn't watch it closely enough, and the peas burned to the bottom. However, I managed to salvage the good peas, and leave the burned ones at the bottom and switched bowls. It tasted just fine!
While most of us are familiar with split pea soup, there is a lot behind those little peas. Did you know that dried peas have been a staple of the human diet since prehistoric times? Peas have been found in archeological digs in Egypt, Asia, and Rome. Peas also played an important role in the genetic studies of Gregor Mendel in the 19th century.
History aside, those little dried peas carry a lot of punch. Are you worried about your cholesterol level? Eat split peas! Full of soluble fiber, peas help to bind up cholesterol-containing bile and move it out of your body. This can help with conditions like irritable bowelsyndrome and diverticulosis. A single cup of cooked dried peas in your daily diet provides 65.1% of the recommended daily fiber. They also provide a good amount of protein, two B-vitamins, and several important minerals. Peas also include isoflavones, which are helpful in reducing the risk of breast and prostate cancer.
If you are diabetic, or have it in your family, split peas can be your best friend. Peas help stabilize your blood sugar levels while providing a steady supply of energy. Studies have shown that type 2 diabetics who eat at least 50 grams of fiber per day can lower their cholesterol, their triglycerides, and the VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein) by a considerable amount. Full article about Health benefits here!
You should make split pea soup from scratch today, not only for great health benefits but to try something yummy made from all fresh ingredients...
I got my nose pierced today for the first time! It is an opal gemstone which is sweet, because this is my birth stone. I've been wanting to do this for years and years! I've had my belly button pierced, my tongue pierced and a few tattoos here and there, so this was always on my list! I'm not afraid of a little pain, and I quite enjoy the idea of being covered in piercings and tattoos. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt more than words can describe; for about 10 seconds as he poked the long sharp needle into my cartilage, and for another 30 seconds as he put the bottom part of the stud in place. My eyes watered like crazy and my makeup ran down my face. Once it was done, I felt a very slight tingling feeling and I could see it if I looked down at my nose. I have to soak my nose in salt water for the next 4-6 weeks, 2 x a day, but it was totally worth it. I love it :)
Body modification (or body alteration) is the deliberate altering of the human body for non-medical reasons, such as sexual enhancement, a rite of passage, aesthetic reasons, denoting affiliation, trust and loyalty, religious reasons, shock value, and self-expression. It can range from the socially acceptable decoration (e.g., pierced ears in many societies) to the religiously mandated (e.g., circumcision in a number of cultures), and everywhere in between. Body art is the modification of any part of the human body for spiritual, religious, artistic or aesthetic reasons.
I admire people who can do crazy piercings, and face tattoos, and blue hair, and mohawks etc.etc. I wish I was more brave, and didn't care what people thought of me. I wish I could just go and get a full sleeve tattoo, for the world to see! (instead I put mine on my back, so it could be covered if necessary) I wish I could die my hair blue, and rock a double lip piercing with giant holes in my ears! I love it. I really do.
Even though I would never go to these extremes, I find it fascinating that this guy was able to actually DO this! It's quite amazing if you really think about it. Not many people in this world, would have the guts or self-expression to do this to their own skin and face.
Would you?
I admire this guy for going outside of the social norms of what is "acceptable" .
In case you were thinking that my nose piercing was at all a crazy thing, I have one more video to show you, about body modification. I do not recommend you watch this if you are at all a queezy person. It is shocking, and disgusting and might even make some people vomit. ....I poked around YouTube for awhile today, and I guarantee there are way more shocking things than this!
Go get a piercing today, and don't worry about what other people think. Do it for you!
Tonight, my friend Marissa and her boyfriend Eli, Hannah and myself went to the Terminal City Rollergirls vs. Faster Pussy Cats game for the first time. None of us had gone before, so we all shared a first together! We sat down, and at first had no clue what was going on! We agreed, we should have read up on the sport and rules a bit before coming. I think the only thing I was expecting was a lot of violence, and shoving and pushing and cat fights. There wasn't much of this; maybe it was a clean game? I wanted more violence!
The people in the stadium and players were dressed up in unique costumes/wigs/fish net stockings and anything else that was out of the ordinary. I guess this is part of the burlesque culture of the game. Like mud wrestling, roller derby has historically been seen as a way to entertain largely male audiences with hot, dirty catfights. And with its bad-gal costumes and prospect of girl-on-girl bruising, roller derby still skates a fine line between sport and spectacle. Though modern skaters have reimagined the sport as a form of self-expression and performance (not unlike the recent feminist revival of burlesque), as well as an athletic contest, the titillation factor threatens to undermine the legitimacy of the game. According to wikipedia (my favourite source for information) nearly all contemporary roller derby leagues are all-female and self-organized. They were formed in an indie, DIY spirit by relatively new roller derby enthusiasts. These leagues deploy traditional quad roller skates, (which I REALLY want to buy now) and a punk aesthetic and/or ethic is often prominent. The term roller derby dates at least as far back as 1922, when the Chicago Tribune used it to describe multi-day, flat-track roller skating races, similar to banked-track marathons!
Wikipedia says, "The names of the teams themselves are typically as sardonic and convoluted — for example, Nightmare on Hull Street (Nightmare on Elm St.), Seasons Beatings, (Seasons Greetings), Night of the Rolling Dead (Night of the Living Dead); Spanksgiving (Thanksgiving), Grandma Got Run Over By a Rollergirl (Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer), Skate & Destroy Her, Cupid's Quarrel, Shamrock and Roll, Pushin' Daisies, Cinco de May-hem (Cinco de Mayo), and War of the Wheels (War of the Worlds) "
Reading the rules after the fact, made me appreciate what I had watched. It looks like a great way to let out some steam, and push people around while roller skating at the same time. How is this a bad thing? It sounds AWESOME!! Maybe I'll join?
Today was a very awesome first and I definitely recommend you go and check out a game for yourself! There are more coming up in Vancouver, so just go to this link, to find out more: click here Now I'm going to go watch that Roller Derby movie, called "Whip It" Here's the trailer to find about more about it.
This is an interesting way to help the people on a daily basis, and all you have to do is CLICK a button on your computer screen. It really takes no effort at all and this is the first time I've even heard of this website or idea! It's very cool...
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