May 19, 2010

Cardio kickbox

I'm in BAAADDD need of some serious blog ideas?!? please, anyone, someone.... I'm really struggling here. okay. Today was a fun one!

Today, I did cardio kickbox for the first time at the new Robert Lee YMCA. I've done step classes for cardio, and I've done kickboxing, but never combined the two together for a good workout. And, wow, was it good! It practically killed me, but it was good. Imagine doing this move to the left, about 30 times in a row, and then switching to the other leg, and then switching to the other leg three more times, until your leg feels like it might fall off. Literally. Fall. Off. It was brutal.

Today I realized that I'm in terrible shape. Really. I need to improve on my cardiovascular endurance. I was done about 15 minutes in to the class, and it was an hour class. The best part about doing classes with other people, is the motivation you get from everyone else in the class. (well, I do anyways) I see another person who is jumping rather than just stepping, and it makes me want to beat her and do better than her, and jump HIGHER. Maybe this is my competitive nature? However, this is not a good idea when you are in bad shape, because I worked so hard to jump higher than the girl next to me, that I almost barfed I was working so hard. I had to stop mid-work-out so I wouldn't hurl my dinner. It was a very close call. I managed to finish the class (yay me!) but barely...

I am determined to do this class, and not feel the urge to barf 15 minutes into the class. I am planning to do this class throughout the entire summer, so hopefully by September I will be the person that OTHER people use as motivation to keep them going!

Benefits of Cardio Kickboxing

Cardio – well the cardio component comes in because we’re talking fast paced movements using your arms, legs and your core to stabilize you. All your muscles from your head to toe are activated when you’re punching and kicking…as a result you benefit the most from spending time doing cardio kickboxing.
Fat burning – since all your muscles are being activated with high intensity your body is going to utilize fat for energy almost instantly. Thought getting a 6-pack was impossible? Think again!
Increased coordination – you will notice that your hand-eye coordination will improve dramatically within only a couple weeks of cardio kickboxing. Focusing on hitting your trainer’s punching mitt with your fist and foot will do wonders with your agility. Stop being a cluts for good!
Strength development – with the cardio component and agility your body will become smarter with how to exert the most force with the muscle you have. As a result your strength will sky-rocket to new levels and you’ll notice that any fat you have around your arms or legs will quickly transform into defined muscle. Women will get rid of wobbly fat under their arms and cellulite in their legs while guys will notice a pump in their biceps and their quadriceps grow with serious definition.
Stress reduction – had a bad day? What better way to get out all your frustrations, stresses and angers with punching and kicking a bag. End result…there is no way in hell you can leave a cardio kickboxing class with feelings that you have been overcome by a bad day! You will win!
Self-defense – let’s not forget that kickboxing will dramatically improve your confidence in protecting yourself if there was ever the need. Or what if you’re caught in a burning house and need to kick down a door? Sure not likely, but at least you can get some super-hero strength with training in kickboxing!

Try a new class today for the first time, challenge yourself, and don't barf!

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