Here's Dr. Tervor Kilian's website : http://www.kilianchiropractic.com/ He asked me all kinds of questions, and one that came up, was interesting. He asked me if I had been in a car or skiing accident? A few years ago, I was in a pretty terrible skiing accident. I crashed into a beginner skiier (my fault) and I had terrible whiplash and was knocked out for a minute. I wasn't able to move my neck or sleep for a few days. The woman I crashed in to got a broken wrist, and was carried down on a stretcher to a hospital. He said that an injury like this, can easily damage your spine and cause you to have all kinds of problems that will slowly get worse over time . I didn't even think that this kind of accident would affect your spine.
Kilian Chiropractic combines innovative treatment techniques with alternative, natural and holistic healing therapies that are designed specifically to support and maximize your health potential. "Initially, taking responsibility for one’s health may be challenging," says Dr. Kilian. His positive attitude and optimistic views on life are encouraging and supportive during this time.
He was very easy to talk to, and made me think more about my spine, than I ever have in my life. As I was standing in front of the mirror, he pointed out my natural posture as being slightly to the right, with one shoulder lower than the other. He also pointed out that my head sits forward and hangs down. I knew I had terrible posture, but never really examined it before. He pushed down on areas of my spine that were VERY sore and explained that a healthy spine would not feel pain like I did.
He did some xrays of my spine, and I will get the results on Wednesday. (obviously that is not me in the photo to the right, but that is what the machine looked like) He was concerned about my spine, but told me that most damage to the spine can be reversed. Does this mean for the rest of my life I have to see a chiropractor, or will it take a few years? I guess I will find out. Since I have an amazing Health Extended Plan through Matt's work, I'm going to take full advantage of the $500 per year !
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