I thought it was a brilliant idea to do a polar bear-esque swim, in January! Why the hell not, right? Who says it has to be done on New Years Day? Who makes these rules? For those of you who know me well, know that I do not follow rules very well; in fact I quite enjoy breaking rules.

We ended the most refreshing swim I have ever had in my life, with some Baileys and coffee! It was the perfect end, to a perfect first....
The challenge was to find an adventurous soul to do this with. Most people laughed at me, called me a crazy woman or came up with some lame excuse not to do it (sorry my lovely friends, but its true) I would've done it alone, and was more than happy to jump into freezing temperatures by my lonely self, but last minute my beautiful friend, Katie jumped the gun and said, "Oh god...Alright, I'm in! " It didn't take much convincing because she also has a bit of an adventurous side to her! Katie had never done this before either, so it was a FIRST for both of us. (my other friends Tiffany, and Ali showed up for moral support/camera help/cheerleaders... which was so nice of them!)
We started out the adventure by sharing a bottle of Strongbow (oh I know, we are true rebels) and a teeny tiny bottle of whiskey! We stripped down , screamed a bunch, even swore "FUCK" in front of our audience - a family of Asian Folk. We ran towards the water, with much hesitation and if it weren't for Katie, I might have stopped just as my toes touched the icy hell of water...but, we did it!
Three firsts down...362 to go!!
Wow...brave girls you are!! Congrats for taking the plunge!!!
Just saw the video!! Awesome! I have to say that I am really enjoying your Year of Firsts Jenn. You do such a wonderful job with the stories I can't wait to read every day. Please, just warn me if there's a day I REALLY don't need to know about!! LOL
hahah, ok. I will let you know!! :) but, i will probably keep it PG rated, incase one of my kids from work googles me and finds it!
"I don't like cold water" is not a lame excuse!
..and you think I DO like cold water?!? It was terrible. Yup, sorry. Super lame excuse! And, I mean that in the most friendly sort of way :)
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