I was on my way home tonight after watching a movie in Coquitlam with my lovely friend, Marissa and I was thinking about what my
first would be. It was already 9:30pm by this point, so I was thinking about something simple and quick, but still fun! I had a serendipitous moment. I was thinking to myself how great it would be to buy someone a coffee in a drive-thru lineup behind me, but it seemed too late for coffee drinkers to go to a drive-thru. Just as I was thinking this, there
was a Starbucks Drive-thru Sign staring at me! I know, I know, Starbucks are everywhere and this probably wasn't that hard to do, but I would like to think it was meant to be. Please don't burst my bubble of serendipity. I even laughed out loud in my car because it was so funny. (maybe you had to have been there?) I pulled over quickly before I went to the drive thru and wrote this note on an old receipt. I decided that today I wouldn't be anonymous and I would let myself be known! Well, I didn't give my address and full life story, but I put my blog address at the bottom of the note, incase the person was a curious type of person, and wanted to investigate?

I ordered a carmel soy latte, and pulled up to the window. The girl at the window was very friendly. This is what is so great about Starbucks, it doesn't matter what time of day you go there, they are always friendly-unlike some drive-thru places who could give a **** about you.
I asked her to put $7.00 on a Starbucks card, and give it to the next customer who comes along. She suggested that $5.00 would be plenty, so that was nice of her! Now that I look back, I wish I had done the $7.00 and given the rest as a tip. Ahwell, next time.

I was really hoping there would be a car behind me in the line-up but there wasn't. As I was driving away, I noticed the Barista grabbed the piece of paper I had given her, and showed it to the other Barista she was working with. She was smiling, and it made me smile. I wonder if anyone has done this before, while she was working?
The rest of the ride home, I was feeling happy and started singing along to "Message in a Bottle" on the radio very loudly!
~Buy a coffee for someone you don't know, it feels good ~
Cute! I love it
Good news! I got your bottle that Saturday night and was meaning to let you know then but I didn't get a chance until now. The funny thing is that the bottle didn't go very far when we found it because I found it at the same Aquabus terminal your threw it from! hahahaha!!! Anyways just wanted to let you know it has been retrieved and good luck on firsts for the rest of the year!
Thanks!!! That's so funny. Bummer. It was probably my bottle that was found, I didn't throw it very far! ahahah... ahwell.
Thanks for the happy wishes for my year! Same to you!
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