January 29, 2010

There's Only One Level

Today, for the first time I thought I'd type in, I AM BORED into Google Search and see what comes up for ideas on what to do. I found this site: www.bored.com and it had many different games you can play when.... you guessed it, you are bored! I had no clue you could be so entertained, by such ridiculous fun. I guess it is quite rare that I find myself bored so I wouldn't normally turn to the
internet for ideas; this was new to me. This is definitely where to go, if you are feeling bored, as it will keep you occupied for long life-altering minutes.

Name of the Game: 
There's only one Level
Can you figure out how to beat the only level? It's not as easy as you'd think...

I feel like I lost 25 minutes of my life doing this particular game; I am not the type of person to give up, so I was determined to beat it! You can see, as I died 222 times while completed this "one" level. The record is about 3 minutes or so to complete it. See if you can beat my record!

You can tell I'm getting pretty desperate for things to try for the first time!! This whole first thing, is becoming quite challenging. I need to take my Mom's advice, and actually plan things out a week in advance, so I'm not stuck at the last minute doing ridiculous things like I did tonght.

Either way, it was entertaining and something new!

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