We passed by this small building in Yale town, that was labelled Yahoo! Fancouver and it was the first time I'd even heard or seen this place. We were cold, so we went in! Here is a blurb about it :
It will keep fans on top of the action with a games-dedicated website featuring award-winning writers, a new Olympic mobile site, a custom-designed broadcast studio in Vancouver, and an entertainment center, FanCouver, where fans attending the games can participate in Yahoo! events and promotions.
On opening day of the games, Yahoo! will unveil FanCouver, an entertainment center where all fans can go to enjoy:
* Live video streaming with “Fan-Cam”
* Free WiFi lounge
* Free hot cocoa bar
* Photo booth
* Pin giveaway, a tradition at the Games
* Appearances by athletes
* Games and giveways
We went fairly late at night, so did not experience the free cocoa, or free pin giveaway, or athletes, however it was a cool spot to experience some of the interesting technology and a great to warm the fingers from spending hours outside. You can play the Wii, get your photo taken and put up on the Olympics Flickr Site, check your email, and get your photo taken in front of the YOU. Good times had by all!
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