Since I work for the YMCA, I have a free gym membership. Most of the machines in this gym have tv's attached to them, and you have control over the channels you can watch. It's definitely a good distraction, but I still manage to stare at the clock obsessively. I love having a free membership, but it doesn't really help with the motivation factor. I don't feel bad for skipping out, because I'm not losing any money. Free isn't always the best option. Also, this gym is about a 20 minute drive away, which doesn't help. This is "far" for us, as we walk everywhere we go; we rarely leave downtown Vancouver. That is what is so great about living where we do! However, a new YMCA is opening downtown Vancouver which is very exciting !

I am not a gym person- who is really? Who really, actually likes it? Ok, I will admit I love the feeling after I'm done the workout as I'm stretching on the mat and can finally relax. But, during the workout, I'm just dying for it to be over and trying desperately not to stare at the clock. All I seem to do, is stare at the clock. Tick tock tick tock. It moves sooo slow.

Tonight, Matt and I went to the gym for the
first time together in 3.5 years. It's strange to me, dating someone for that long and never experiencing the "joy" of working out together at the gym. You think I'm not a gym person, well Matt is the most anti-gym person I've ever met. It's been like pulling teeth to try and get him to come with me. Seriously! I was worried I'd have none left soon, but he gave in! I was happy, but he was not. He was really uncomfortable with the idea and I could tell he was a bit unsure of the whole idea. I don't blame him. Gyms are full of stupid, obnoxious, steroid driven, ripped people. It can be intimidating for most people. If you don't know what you're doing, it's a strange place. (ok, I'm sorry that photo is just disturbing, but also very funny).
I showed him around, and afterwards, I think he realized it wasn't as bad as he expected it to be. This particular gym is actually one of the better ones I've personally been to, like I said, there are tv's everywhere and the equipment and facilities are all up to date.
We have 365 days until we get married, as of today. March, 2nd, 2011 is the official date. So, it was a great start to our "countdown" of becoming newly weds. :) We want to be in great shape, and look good as we're getting married on a beach, in Thailand. Hopefully we can continue on this gym journey together as we grow old and fit together. Wish us luck!
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