Since I have my iPhone back, (YAAAYY!) I signed up for this App called "Lose it!" . I have been in Weight Watchers before, where you have to write everything down, but it can be quite difficult if you don't have your booklet with you. With this app, you can enter food and exercise easily using a searchable database, right on your phone! You can quickly re-enter foods and meals you’ve had during the day, and you can set up reminders so you don't forget. You can setup motivators to help keep you on track and use detailed online reports to track your progress.

It's very easy to use, and even keeps track of your daily nutritional intake like fat, sodium, protein, etc. The surprising thing about doing something like this, is seeing how easily calories can add up. In one sitting yesterday, I ate almost 800 calories. (Grilled meat and cheese sandwich with tomato soup) It's shocking, but it makes you realize how easy it is to gain weight. But it also makes you realize how easy it would be to lose it just with a little bit of effort. I set up an email service to send me a message at the end of the week, with my weekly caloric and nutritional results. All of this is FREE, which makes it even better.
These were my results for my first day. I went over my recommended calorie intake, but not by much. This is going to be harder than I thought. I was doing fine up until I went over to my sisters place and a bowl was filled with these delicious chips. Chips are VERY hard for me to stay away from. They are soooo good. I stared at them for about 15 minutes, and depriving myself really made me want them even more. I grabbed a few very large handfuls and they were yummy. I think as long as I'm aware of my choices, and realize that "you are what you eat" I will lose the weight. I just need to be focused but not beat myself up over treats once in awhile. I have a goal of losing 1/2 lb - 1lb a week, and 20 lbs total. I can do this. I know I can. Even if people tell me I don't need to lose weight, I am being realistic and honest with myself and I know I do.
Wish me luck! :)
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