It was a hard day to do something new, as I worked, had a meeting, packed for the trip, went to school directly after work, and then was picked up to go on our snowboarding trip! I'm not gonna lie, today's blog is not the most original idea.
Today was the
first time I travelled to a snowy mountain for snowboarding at 4 in the AM. We arrived at about 4:15am. Kyle was a TROOPER for driving the whole way, and he managed to stay awake, thank goodness.
We left Vancouver at 9:30pm, so I'm thinking he was taking it nice and slow and relaxed in order for us to be safe. . Thanks so much Kyle for driving us to the mountain and staying awake at the wheel . I definitely could not have done it.
Kyle is so awesome, he has his own ski RUN named after him. Yes, named after him.
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