February 09, 2010

Organ Donor

I became an organ donor today, for the first time! If you live in BC go here to become a donor with me! I've always wanted to do this, but yet again (this seems to be a growing trend) I just never got around to it. To all my family and friends, if I die before you, please donate my healthy organs to someone who can live because of me. This is what I would want! I know this is a difficult thing to talk or think about, but please honor my wishes!

Each tissue and organ donor can affect the lives of 50 people or more, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services. Being a post-mortem donor has immediate impact on the family of the deceased, helping them come to terms with their loss, as well as gives a sense of hope and relief to the recipient in need.
  I hesitated a moment, when it came to the question about donating my eyes, and skin, too! If I wanted to be buried, and have a funeral with an open casket than this option might be quite difficult for some people. You don't want people seeing you with no eyes, and no skin?! I want to be cremated and my ashes thrown into the sea, so I do not need my eyes or skin when I'm floating in the ever-after. It is an interesting topic to think about though, and I think it's important to have this discussion with your loved ones, so there is no argument or confusion about it in the moment of crisis.

I also had to provide a "digital" signature since I did the process online, through a company called Recombo WAYPOINT:
Also, check out this site to find out some interesting information about Organ Donation in Canada: Frequently Asked Questions . Save a life today- become an organ donor!

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