March 12, 2010

Robson Skating Rink

* interesting side note* some girl has started a 365 days of firsts idea, and says she got her idea from Julia and Julie as well?! Coincidence? Who knows, but I will check out her ideas, to get some of my own. Ha! * click here

I finally braved the Robson Skating Rink today for the first time, in downtown Vancouver. The revitalization of the ice rink at GE Plaza has brought over 115,000 visitors to Robson Square to enjoy ice skating, concerts, and other special events since it re-opened in late November. Robson Square is the BC’s signature celebration site during the 2010 Winter Games. Live music performances are taking place day and night at this lively centre of activity.

I have been wanting to go check this out for quite some time but, I dare say I probably won't go again. I took 11 kids with me, and two other Staff and it was filled with hundreds of other kids also wanting to skate. It was very busy, to say the least. There was a huge school in line ahead of us, 60 kids to be exact. So, we waited about an hour to "maybe" get in as the Employees kept telling us they may not have enough skates for everyone. We did finally get skates for all the kids, and  got out on the ice but had to leave about 45 minutes later.

They were supposed to open at Noon, and when we got there a Paralympic curling demonstration was going on, so everything had to be post-poned. The employees didn't know this was happening until the day of, so they had quite a few upset parents/groups on their hands. Way to be organized VANOC! The demonstration was obviously a last minute planning idea, and not very well executed or entertaining. I had 11 complaining children on my hands.

Anyways, it wasn't as pleasant experience as I had hoped, but perhaps if we were to go on a non-Olympic day with only a few Adults, it might be a different! I guess I will just have to find out. here's a quick video of the a few of the kids ignoring me, and skating! haha..

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