January 12, 2010


Today, I learned to knit for the first time! I've been wanting to do this for awhile now, just never got around to it. I don't think it's something you learn to do in one day though, but I learned the basics of casting on and off the needle, and the basic knitting stitches you make on the needle. It was quite difficult at first, and I had no clue what was going on, (as you can clearly see on the video below) but once I got the hang of it, my speed and accuracy definitely improved quickly.

Here's the really interesting part! I learned from a couple of 10 year old girls with Chinese Chopsticks. Both of these girls are serious knitters; they've made scarves, hats, purses clothing for their stuffed animals and many other things. Watching them is hypnotic as they are extremely fast at it. I was told, that I can also become this good with a little practice. It was very sweet how they were encouraging me and telling me just to try again if I messed up. They were amazing, patient teachers and I almost felt like the kid in the situation; we had some good laughs. It was a fun role reversal, and I know they loved it. They were highly entertained while video taping me learn, so I will post a few clips of my slow learning process.

One of them knew a complicated form of knitting (well in my eyes it looked complicated) called purling. Anyone ever tried this? My goal is to be able to learn this style, as well. But first, I plan to make a scarf that I can actually wear, by using the simple knitting method I learned today.

So, continuing my journey of firsts, I encourage you to try knitting or something you've never got around to doing. It'll only make you feel good, and inspired to try something new tomorrow.


Warning (these videos are long)....


Linder said...

awww...cute Jenn! I know how to purl and follow a pattern as long as it's not TOO complicated. I have knit sweaters, etc

Adventure awaits you.. said...

Oh cool! A sweater would be awesome to learn, eventually... for now, I am going to stick with a scarf! :)

Anonymous said...

Great job Jenn!

Linder said...

Ya..for a sweater you really need to know the purl thingy! :) Good job so far!

Adventure awaits you.. said...

Yah, it's much harder than I ever expected!